The centre aims to:
The centre’s mission is to support companies, organizations and public institutions to achieve an inclusive digital transformation with a view to sustainable development and strengthening resilience. By developing and transferring innovative human-centred technologies, the centre will help support workers and empower them rather than replace them. Through a study and prospecting of the potential, the region’s socio-economic opportunities and risks, the centre must ensure certain technological monitoring useful for improving the performance of businesses at the regional level and also at the national level. As a skills centre hosted in a university, the centre also has the mission of bringing the university closer to the company through its contribution to the overhaul of initial or continuing training programs to adapt training to the needs of the regional job market.
Undertaking a digital transformation always arouses fear, doubt and a certain resistance. Succeeding in a digital transformation is always a challenge. A digital transformation is not an end in itself, it is a process which must lead to a better situation and therefore development is synonymous with improvement. It must be intentionally inclusive to contribute to the goal of sustainable development.
To do this, digital technologies must be sufficiently innovative to: